
Hi everyone! My name is Teddy. I'm a 20-year-old trans man, and am a digital artist and character designer.If you're interested, please check out my commission prices or click on one of the links on my homepage to see my previous work.Thank you!

Terms of Service

- To request a commission, please send me a private message via note, dm, or anything of the sort. I do best with responding to those.
- I reserve the right to refuse any commission at any time.
- You may post your finished piece with credit to me.
- You may request a work-in-progress picture of your commissioned piece at any time.
- If you have a predetermined character or design that you want me to draw, you must provide a reference.
- I will not draw someone else’s character without explicit permission from the owner.
- Custom designs do not require a reference, however I do require a list of your personal likes/dislikes in a design. That way, I don’t end up designing a character that you hate.
- I only accept payment via PayPal or Venmo. Cash, deviantART points, or trades will not be accepted unless otherwise explicitly stated.
- Payment should be sent in full before I begin work on your commissioned piece. I will not accept payment plans or payments after the work is completed.
- Please be patient! I do not draw for a living- I’m still in school and am very busy with schoolwork. I get most of my artwork done during weekends. Please allow at most a few weeks for completion. I’ll try my best to get your commissioned piece finished in a timely manner.
Thank you, and I hope to work with you in the future!

My commissions are currently:

All prices are in USD. Please make all payments in USD.
Please check my Terms of Service before commissioning me!

- Complex characters will add to the price of the commission.
- Extra characters double the price of the commission.


Static Icon - Headshot$25
Simple Animation Icon - Headshot$35
Static Icon - Full Body$50
Simple Animation Icon - Full Body$55


Full Color Chibi$40

Telegram Stickers

Pack of 4$55
Pack of 6$75
Pack of 8$100
Pack of 10$130
Pack of 12$150

* Additional stickers are $15 each!


Black & White - Headshot$30
Colored - Headshot$40
Black & White - Full Body$45
Colored - Full Body$55
Black & White - Sketch Page$60
Colored - Sketch Page$80


Full Body$50

Flat Color

Full Body$60

Reference Sheets

Basic Reference Sheet$75
Add Side View$30
Add Close-Up$10
Add Chibi$25
Add Items$20

* Basic ref sheets include front view, back view, color palette, and basic information.

Custom Designs

Simple Custom Design$60
Complex Custom Design$80


Cell Shading$25
Soft Shading$40